Jinpeng Xu

Art projects

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Jinpeng Xu is a visual artist, graphic designer, and user experience designer. He was born in 1995 and now lives and works in Yantai, China. 


Inspired by the whimsical notion of creating fake artifacts to bewilder future archaeologists, my art explores the intersection of illusion and narrative. Much like the reconstructive work of archaeologists, our understanding of history and daily life is deeply shaped by ideological frameworks — elusive, often deceptive constructs that influence how we perceive the world.  

Through my practice, I aim to challenge these constructs not with direct critique, but by creating artifacts that could serve as tangible "evidence" to unsettle and reinterpret future historical narratives. My work, often realized through graphics, print, and installations, thrives in its ability to build contexts and tell layered, speculative stories. By presenting these creations, I invite viewers to question the reliability of the narratives they inherit and consider alternative perspectives that blur the line between history and fiction.  


École Nationale Supérieure d’art de Bourges M.F.A. with High Distinction (Félicitations du jury), option art, Bourges, France, 2019-2021

École Supérieure d’art du Nord Pas-de Calais B.F.A, with Distinction (Mention), option artDunkirk, France, 2018-2019

Luxun Academy of Fine Arts 
B.F.A, Department of Photography, Shenyang, China, 2014-2018


  • 2021 Exposition DNSEP d’ENSA Bourges, Bourges, France
  • 2020 After Anti-thesis (solo), Square Studio, Yantai, China
  • 2019 Temple Magazine. La Box, Bourges, France
  • 2019 Bienvenue, c’est vrai. La Frûctose, Dunkirk, France
  • 2017 Academy Photography Exhibition. Gallery of LAFA, Shenyang, China
  • 2014 Academy Photography Exhibition Gallery of LAFA, Shenyang, China