I Didn’t Mean to Offend You (French version)
Paper, 21 × 29.4 cm, 8 × 19 cm
I invite people to answer some multiple-choice questions whose answers are in the form of negated adjectives. To clarify and reduce the potential for offence in these questions, a page of definitions has been prepared.
The installation view was taken on the occasion of the DNSEP exhibition of ENSA Bourges in 2021.
Paper, 21 × 29.4 cm, 8 × 19 cm
I invite people to answer some multiple-choice questions whose answers are in the form of negated adjectives. To clarify and reduce the potential for offence in these questions, a page of definitions has been prepared.
The installation view was taken on the occasion of the DNSEP exhibition of ENSA Bourges in 2021.